Articles | Volume 34, issue 9
Regular paper
01 Sep 2016
Regular paper |  | 01 Sep 2016

Effect of the solar activity variation on the Global Ionosphere Thermosphere Model (GITM)

Davide Masutti, Günther March, Aaron J. Ridley, and Jan Thoemel

Data sets

CHAMP Density v2.2 E. K. Sutton

GRACE Density v2.2 E. K. Sutton

CHAMP Electron Density GFZ Potsdam

Short summary
The Global Ionosphere Thermosphere Model has been validated against flight data. The validation shows a linear dependency of the neutral density values with respect to the solar activity. In particular, the thermosphere model shows an over-predicting or under-predicting behaviour under high or low solar activity respectively. The reasons for such behaviour can be attributed to an erroneous implementation of the chemical processes or the gas transport properties in the model.