Articles | Volume 33, issue 7
Regular paper
23 Jul 2015
Regular paper |  | 23 Jul 2015

WHU VHF radar observations of the diurnal tide and its variability in the lower atmosphere over Chongyang (114.14° E, 29.53° N), China

C. Huang, S. Zhang, Q. Zhou, F. Yi, K. Huang, Y. Gong, Y. Zhang, and Q. Gan

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Short summary
The diurnal tide and its variability in the lower atmosphere over Chongyang (114.14ºE,29.53ºN) were studied based on the newly established Wuhan University VHF radar observations in the whole year of 2012. We find that the diurnal tide was the dominant tidal component and showed remarkable height and season variations, as well as dramatic short-term variability.